Impotence is defined as “the consistent incapacity or inability of a man to obtain or to maintain a hard erection long enough to permit satisfactory sexual intercourse.” Medical professionals often use the term “erectile dysfunction” to describe impotence in order to differentiate this disorder from other issues that may interfere with intercourse, such as lack of sexual desire or physical issues that interfere with ejaculation or orgasm. However, many times and in many publications, erectile dysfunction (ED) and impotence are used interchangeably. 


Symptoms often include persistent (ongoing):
  • Difficulty getting (or maintaining) an erection.
  • Less firm (softer) erections that prevent vaginal penetration.
  • Erections that don’t last long enough to complete intercourse.
  • Changes in the angle of your erection.
  • Smaller erections.
  • Reduced penile sensitivity.
  • Reduced sexual desire.


Male sexual arousal and the resulting erection is a complex process that involves the brain, the release of hormones, emotions, nerve pathways, muscles and blood vessels. Any problem with any one of these areas can adversely affect your sexual response. Many men also experience the occasional impotence issue due to stress, tiredness and anxiety.
treat impotence
Your ability to achieve and maintain erections decline as you age. As your grow older, your erections aren’t as firm or as frequent as they used to be. An estimated 40% of men over 40 have experienced occasional erectile dysfunction, becoming more frequent over age 50.
Erectile dysfunction causes and symptoms vary depending on your health, age, sexual activity, lifestyle, and habits. Most impotence issues are a direct result of physical causes, including disease, trauma, injury or side effects of drugs (prescribed or illicit), smoking and alcohol. In over 2/3 of impotence cases these physical issues directly affect (restrict) the flow of blood to the penis, preventing erection. Additional physical causes of impotence include:
  • Diabetes Type I or Type II
  • High blood pressure or high cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Prostate cancer
  • Addiction to alcohol or other drugs, including prescribed medications
  • Disease of the liver or kidneys
  • Surgery to the bladder
  • Issues related to the prostate gland, lower bowel, colon or spine
  • Poor blood circulation to the groin and penis, blocked arteries.


stress can cause impotence
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Anxiety about sexual issues or sexual performance
  • Avoidance of sexual contact related to issues like pregnancy, HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases
  • Psychological trauma
  • Sexual or emotional issues with your partner
  • Sexual boredom
  • Acute depression
  • Lack of interaction in your relationship
  • Grief of illness or death in the family
  • Lack of adequate sexual stimulation.
  • Occasional episodes of impotence is common and does not truly indicate that there is a persistent issue with impotence.
Medical experts have defined six specific types of impotence. Proper diagnosis will suggest the best line of treatment. Types of impotence include:
Arteriogenic impotence - Arteriogenic impotence occurs when arteries supplying blood to the penis become narrow. The penis is therefore not able to receive enough blood required for erection. Arteriogenic impotence is noticed more in elderly people, especially those suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure. Bicycle riders may also report this type of impotence as they frequently sustain friction in the arterial region, which causes a clot-like formation to develop in the artery.
Endocrinologic impotence - Also known as hormonal impotence, Endocrinologic impotence occurs because of imbalance or insufficiency of sex hormones - testosterone and estrogen - in the bloodstream. It accounts for nearly 5 to 10% of all organic impotence.
Impotence secondary to diabetes mellitus - Impotence is very common among diabetics. In fact, around 50% of all diabetics are patients of male impotence. Men suffering from diabetic impotence should make efforts to control their blood sugar levels by changing their lifestyle and eating habits and must also get their blood sugar levels monitored on a monthly basis.
Neurogenic impotence - The nerve supply to the penis is very delicate and complicated. Erection is achieved or maintained because of the impulses conducted along the nerves in the penis; since, they control the arteries and veins, which change the blood flow within the penis. An injury to the back especially those involving the vertebral column and the spinal cord or other nerves related to the penis, besides injury to other nerves in the penis may also cause neurogenic impotence. As a result, surgeries on the rectum prostate, urethra, spine and urinary bladder may be performed to help treat impotence.
Psychogenic impotence - Impotence may also occur because of psychological reasons. Men suffering from psychogenic impotence do not have any of the physical problems that otherwise cause impotence. Depression, stress and relationship problems are some of the factors that may cause psychogenic impotence.
Venogenic impotence - During erection, the veins lock down almost entirely to prevent the blood from going out of the penis. However, in some men the veins leak blood, and because of this reason, the penis fails to maintain an erection causing venogenic impotence. This type of impotence is also quite common and accounts for almost 30-70% of all impotence cases.


Impotence is treatable in all types and in all age groups. The awareness of this fact has been growing day-by-day. Thousands of men have been finding help and returning to near-normal sexual life, due to improved and successful treatments for impotence. Here, we are about to discuss five natural treatments for impotence.
drink watermelon juice
  • Drink watermelon juice - A cold slice of watermelon can work miracle. It is not only good to satisfy thirst and hunger during the warm summer but also helps with bedroom satisfaction. The citrulline, an amino acid found in watermelon in high concentrations, which is helpful to improving blood flow to the penis. Thus, it is good for natural treatment of impotence.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar - The great thing you see in drinking apple cider vinegar is the rise in sexual urge, just after a few doses. What it does is, it treats the issues that cause impotence. It is good for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol as well as prostate enlargement. It works fantastically to repair the damaged blood vessels, including the nerve fibers in the penis. It helps reduce the pain and swell of the prostate gland.
  • Magnesium - A great natural remedy for impotence. You can take natural magnesium, instead of chemical-rich tablets or capsules. Magnesium is important for the health of heart for blood vessels to preventing and treating the cardiac issues. It also helps to alleviate anxiety, depression, and trauma that sometimes directly or indirectly related to impotence.
  • Cayenne Pepper and Garlic - This combination is one of the most powerful treatments for impotence. Cayenne pepper helps increase blood circulation throughout your body including the genital area, and garlic helps to dilate the blood vessels as well as improving the blood flow.
  • Yoga - Nothing more to say about yoga, when you see men and women all around the world are practicing yoga for different health benefits. Yoga is good for impotence. It is good for stress relief. Yoga improves blood flow, which is important for stronger as well as long-lasting erections.
exercise yoga fitness
Yoga is good for other mechanisms as well. Scientists have started to elucidate about this excellent exercise. If you want to beat impotence, study says some yoga poses, like shoulder stand pose, raised leg pose, shoulder pose, seated forward bend pose, cow face and cobra pose are some yoga postures that work effectively, natural and inexpensive solution.
​Thousands of men who suffer from impotence use these remedies, because they give you excellent staying power as well. Additionally, because impotence tied to diabetes, anxiety, depression, high blood sugar, cholesterol, and others. We suggest you to take time to read the article and consult with your doctor for further queries. We really hope that you follow what we have described here and do apply them step-by-step for the rest of your life to stay happy and healthy.


  1. Low-fat Diet - Lower your fat intake to less than 60 grams per day and stay away from processed foods, fast food and desserts to reverse impotence.
  2. Reduce Your Cholesterol Intake - Cholesterol clogs arteries and allows less blood flow to all parts of your body, including your groin and penis. Stay away from animal and animal product foods.
  3. Start Exercising - Take a 15 minute walk, clean the garage, or mow the lawn. Whatever your method, you need to slowly and gradually start exercising. If you start slow enough, you will eventually like it!
  4. Smaller, More Frequent Meals - Start eating a well balanced breakfast as well as a balanced lunch. Try to keep your dinners light.
  5. Take a Multivitamin - You will have more energy (hopefully to exercise more) and you will get your vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Vitamins A and B are especially useful in treating impotence.
  6. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - Load up with FRESH fruits and vegetables at your grocery store and see how fiber cleans out your system - a good thing!
  7. Vitamin A - Vitamin A deficiency has been linked to impotence in men according to Dr. Elson Haas, M.D., author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition.
  8. Moderate Your Caffeine Intake - Caffeine is a stimulant and can actually cause stress. Moderate the colas, coffee and chocolate.
  9. Avoid Alcohol And Tobacco - Both restrict blood flow to veins and arteries, and over time will cause chronic health conditions including erectile dysfunction.
  10. Ginkgo - The herb ginkgo, found in most health food stores, will improve blood flow and will help reverse impotence. Give Ginkgo a few weeks to work its magic.
  11. Panax Ginseng - Also called red ginseng, which contains ginsenosides that have a positive action at the cellular level to improve erections.
  12. L-arginine - The amino acid L-arginine helps make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels to support a successful erection and is essential for healthy sexual functioning.

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